Saturday, September 13, 2008

Good Job, shame on you

Good job, and I mean that literally. On the front page of the network's website, there are three different stories detailing how sleezy and incorrect the information coming out of the McCain campaign is. It has since come out the Sarah Palin was for her "bridge to no where" before it became a national embarrassment and then she was against it (of course, she still kept the federal money). Good job CNN for putting this on the front page of their website.

Another article gives voice to the Obama campaign's claim that McCain is running one of the dirtiest campaigns in history, higlighting the campaing's new spanish-language ad blaming Obama and the Democratic party for the lack of immigration reform in the last two years. Never mind the fact that both McCain and Obama cast the same vote in almost all of the legislation concerning immigration.

But the pennultimate article is one that begins by refuting Governor Palin's claims that she visited Iraq while governor. In fact, the Boston Globe first reported that Governor Palin never actually crossed the Kuwait-Iraq border, and that her supposed stop in Ireland on the same trip was merely one for refueling purposes, not an actual visit. Perhaps the best part of this article though, is the section that details the grilling about Palin that McCain recieved on "The View". Now, "The View" may not inspire visions of hard-hitting questions, but let's not forget that host Barbra Walters is a veteran of ABC News and a pioneer of women in journalism. She grilled McCain, asking him why there was no talk about the housing markets or the economy, and pointing out that she sold the private plane of the Alaska Governor's office at a loss to taxpayers. For actually putting these articles on their front page I say congrats CNN.

On the other hand, has absolutely nothing about the falsehoods being put out by the McCain campaign, nor anything about Palin's record, only a short video of the Charlie Gibson interview. For not even putting anything remotely critiquing either campagin's conduct on the path to the election, I say shame on you, way to fail at your job of informing voters of anything constructive that could affect their lives. Why even bother putting up the facade of being a news outlet if you're not going to do your job?

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